Home Desserts Japanese Banana Swiss Roll Cake

Japanese Banana Swiss Roll Cake

by momen
Japanese banana swiss roll cake recipe

Japanese banana swiss roll cake recipe

Fluffy, moist and melt-in-your-mouth texture, this is my best sponge cake of Japanese swiss roll. The plain sponge cake is very versatile. Because you can fill any cream and seasonal fruit as long as it doesn’t make the sponge soggy. This time I filled whipped cream sweetened with condensed milk and flesh bananas.

The method

What I like the part of this recipe is that you doesn’t need to separate eggs into egg yolks and whites. The recipes you are required to make egg white meringue might be a standard method that you often see. But the recipe requires to blend meringue and egg yolk mixture is skillful for me. Because the recipe always says “gently well blend them together with a lubber spatula and also not to deflate the egg whites”. When I was mixing the meringue and egg yolk mixture together, I always wonder if it’s over mixing or not enough. I wasn’t 100% sure this is the right consistency of the batter. On the other hands, beating whole egg is more simple. Once the egg foam become thick enough to remain with the beater when lifted, it’s the time to stop beating. In addition, the method gives a delicate texture to the sponge.

Japanese banana swiss roll cake sponge

Since I posted Japanese chocolate swiss roll cake with strawberries recipe, I’d wanted to make plain swiss roll cake. But I didn’t find the time to make a cake for a while. So last week, my son’s 2nd birthday was a great opportunity to make the roll cake. To make his birthday cake, my husband was willing to take care of our children while I was cooking.

I hadn’t decided yet what fruits I was going to use for the cake. This is the time of berry season, though my son’s favorite fruit is always banana. So thus, I made this Japanese banana swiss roll cake.

Tips for successful Japanese banana swiss roll cake.

Beat eggs until medium peaks.

When you beat whole eggs, it doesn’t become stiff peaks like egg white meringue. So I can’t describe it stiff. But it’s able to become medium peaks or soft peaks. Which is if you lift up the beaters from the batter, the tip of the peak curls slightly and the batter with the beaters fell very slowly into ribbons and some remain with the beaters. It’s important to take your time to make thick foam.

soft peak of whole egg foam

Pour warmed up milk into the egg mixture.

I have messed up my roll cake before when I added cold milk. I didn’t think that 2 tablespoons of cold milk affect the egg foam. But in fact, if you pour cold milk, the foam become runny and you can’t recover from it. The reason to warm up the milk is to bring the temperature of the milk close to the egg foam temperature. If there is no big temperature gap between the milk and egg foam, it doesn’t ruin your egg foam.

Spread whipped cream like a kids slide on the brown side.

Describing as a kids slide might be exaggerating. What I want to say is that spread the whipped cream thickly at the front and thinly towards the end of the cake. And be sure to put the cream on the brown side. Because it’s easy to roll up and you don’t need to worry about crack on the surface.

Making Japanese banana swiss roll cake

Japanese banana swiss roll cake recipe

I’m kind of obsessed with making swiss roll cakes. I made it last week, though I already can’t wait to try a new roll cake with different ingredients!

Japanese banana swiss roll cake recipe

Japanese Banana Swiss Roll Cake

Author Matcha and Tofu
Servings: 1 swiss roll cake


  • 4 egg
  • 80 g (1/2 cup) granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp whole milk
  • 60 g (7 tbsp) cake flour
  • 1-2 banana

Whipped Cream

  • 200 ml (4/5 cup) heavy cream / double cream cold
  • 2 tbsp (35 g) sweetened condensed milk sub. 1 1/2 tbsp granulated sugar


  • Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F / gas mark 4. Line a parchment paper on a baking tray.
  • Heat a few inches of water in a large pot / frying pan and remove from the heat just before start simmering.
  • Place the egg and the sugar in a large bowl and beat over the hot water with an electric hand whisk until the mixture become body temperature. Remove from the hot water and keep beating the mixture until medium / softpeaks. The egg foam should be thick enough to remain with the beater when lifted.
  • Warm up the milk over the stove or in a microwave until body temperature.
  • Pour the warm milk into the egg mixture and whisk with a wire whisk (not electric one) until blended.
  • Sift half the flour into the mixture and whisk until well blended. Repeat the process with the remaining flour.
  • Pour the mixture into the baking tray and even the surface with a lubber spatula. Then drop the tray from a height to release air bubbles and bake for 12 minutes.
  • Meanwhile baking the cake, make whipped cream. Place the sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream in a large bowl. Then beat with an electric hand whisk until stiff peaks.
  • Take out the cake from the oven and drop from a height to prevent shrink the cake. Then remove the cake from the baking tray and cover with another parchment paper which is large enough to cover the cake. Set aside to let it cool down.
  • Invert the cake to the covered parchment paper and gently peel off the sticking parchment paper. Gently invert the cake again so the browned side up. Place the short side of the cake in front of you.
  • Spread the whipped cream thickly at the front and thinly towards the end of the cake. Then arrange the bananas to put straight and place the bananas on the nearer side.
  • Rolled it up gently using the parchment paper. Keep the cake rolled with the parchment paper and cover with a plastic wrap on both sides. Put in the fridge for at least 3 hours before slicing.


  • I used a 29 x 29 cm (11.4 x 11.4 inches) swiss roll baking tin.
  • You might use different sizes of baking tins. In case, the thickness of the batter should be about 2 cm (0.8 inch). Because it affects the baking time and rolling up the fillings.

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Cecilia 6th 9月 2021 - 6:23 pm

but 7 inch is 18 cm, why is your 29cm?

momen 6th 9月 2021 - 6:29 pm

Oh, I’m sorry!! I made a mistake. I should have written 11.5 inch.


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